Monday, February 13, 2012

Create In Me a Clean Heart

There is nothing more flattering to me than to have a clear conscience before God. I came from a ruff background to say the least. As a teenager that came from a broken home, I have lived on my own since I was 15 yrs old. I had not yet given my life to the Lord and my heart was filled with bitterness and a hole on the inside of me that I tried to fill with everything from alcohol, drugs, and just about everything else you can imagine. I started working at a very early age and took pride in my work, however every night I would try to silence a call on the inside of me by drinking alcohol every night and can remember drinking so much the night before that I would smell like it the next morning as I went to school. I couldn't understand why I felt the way I did on the inside. I always had quite a few people at my house, where we would have alcohol and many other under aged teens would be partying and seemingly having a good time. One night, when I was 18 yrs old, I had been drinking and there was a house full of people and we had a very heavy metal song playing by the name of Bodies Hit the Floor by Drowning Pool and needless to say it was a very ungodly song and the atmosphere wasn't one you would use to start a bible study to say the least. The music was blaring and there was no preacher or anyone talking about the Lord. I can't explain how, but all at once I just knew that Jesus was the King and He died for my sins. I couldn't contain myself anymore, so in the midst of this ungodly song playing, I spoke loudly, " I have a King and He died for me that I can live!" You can imagine the response I got from the people around me. They began to ask, " What in the world are you talking about?" I said again, " I have a King and He died for me that I can live and I am here polluting my body." I don't know how I understood this, because like I said, there was no preacher. Some of the people told me I needed to go lie down. I said, " You know what? You are right and turned the stereo off and said This party is over!" The people were very angry to say the least. I just went to my bedroom and just fell to my knees. I didn't even know how to pray. I just said, " God, I know you are real! I know what is happening to me is real! I won't be a hypocrite. I have seen the people from the churches around me and I knew it wasn't for me. I said, If you will show me the truth, I will live it to the best of my knowledge." I never felt warm oil or heard a clap of thunder, but friends, from that day on I have never been the same. I asked God to clean my heart and make me what He wanted me to be. I found an old Bible and began to read it. Unfortunately I wasn't able to make heads from tales at first. I then found a children's bible story book. I would read a story and then find it in the bible. This is how I began getting acquainted with studying the Word of God. I never had to make myself quit drinking alcohol or quit living the way I had been living. A sheep isn't asked to manufacture wool. Just let him be a sheep and he will bear wool. A tree is known by its fruits. I have been serving the Lord for right at 10 years now. I have made plenty of mistakes since that night I surrendered my heart to the Lord, but I have had an Advocate with the father that has brought me back into fellowship with my God. (IJohn 1:1-2) A righteous man is not a sinless man, but a man that will confess his faults and he that says he had not sinned; we make him a liar and his word is not in us. There is nothing like being in fellowship with my creator. Jesus said, No man can come unto me lest the father draw him. And in another place He said, All that the father hath given me will come. It is Him that calls us. It is a deep call to the deep. If there is a deep call inside of you for a living God, Friends, There is a Living God for you to have! He wants to save you and fill you with His Holy Spirit more than you want Him to. He will come where He is welcome. Just simply ask Him to come into your heart and be the Lord of your life. I will share some more about this in my next blog. If you have questions or want to know more about any of the subjects posted in these blogs, Please, e-mail me and I would be honored to pray with you and help in any way. God Bless You!

The picture above is a picture of me baptizing my 11 year old son after he surrendered his heart to the Lord a few months ago.

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