Thursday, February 23, 2012

Moving Forward

One of the greatest characteristics, in my opinion, is to be able to get up and move forward. I am born of this old flesh just like the rest of the people in this world, so I am familiar with the avenue of failure or mistakes. A good soldier isn't one that never makes mistakes or get knocked down, but one that will get back up and keep moving forward. Imagine where the world would be if everyone just quit after making a mistake. One of my favorite people to read about is whom I would rank as one of the best presidents the USA has ever had, Abraham Lincoln. When one thinks of him, they often think of someone that really made a success in his life and many don't know of what he went through to get there. One could say Abraham was actually one of the worst failures in his early life. He attempted many things and never really prospered. You ever felt that way? The thing about him was he didn't stay laying on the ground and just give up. He got up and tried again. That is the way we must do. We will never really know what we are made until we give our all. We only get one shot at today, so lets give it our all. If you are a husband or wife, be the most loving and giving spouse you can be. If you are an employee, work in such a way that  if you left the company today the company would be crippled after you leave. Lets live a life of impact. A life of giving rather than just taking. Instead of looking at what someone can do for us, what can we do for somebody? I heard a man say one time; be the best you can be. If your going to be a bum, don't work a day in your life. I wouldn't necessarily recommend to be the bum, but be the best you can be. Live for somebody else. Brothers, if you want your wife to act beautiful, make her feel beautiful. Sisters, if you want your husband to act more caring, make him feel like a real man. Lets live in such a way that out of respect for our character the people around us will respect us. I can remember one day when I got home from a long days work. I was a technician at a dealership and had just a horrible day. I was tired, didn't feel like I accomplished much during my day, and just didn't feel real good about myself. When I got home, my family and I sat around the table. My wife made a statement about me looking very tired. I was thinking to myself, " Yeah, I am awful tired." Then my wife grabbed my arm and said, " My baby works hard for his wife and babies." My chest begin to stick out a little bit and began to feel a little better. Then my daughter said, "Daddy, you always works so hard. That's why you have such big muscles huh?" Then my boys began to talk about how their daddy was the strongest man in the world and how they wanted to be just like me. Needless to say, my head was swelled so big by this time, I had forgotten about my day's struggles. But you see, they made me feel good about myself and in turn, I wanted to be a better husband, a better daddy, and a better employee. Do you want that raise at work? Work at your job as if you were doing it for God and not just for man. Do all you do in the name of the Lord. What makes thing really prosper in this life, is God's blessing on it. Lets live honorable to God's word so He can bless our marriage, work, and our relationships. Most of all, lets pray and ask God to help us live in a way that is pleasing to Him. Have a good day today!!

God Bless You,

Bro Daniel

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